At this Aparajita Teasers October 2023, the family celebrates the birth of their new member, and Niya names her Tanya, meaning ‘fairy queen.’ With this, Aparajita’s journey comes to a happy end.

Despite all the challenges and obstacles she faced along the way, she never gave up and always fought for what she believed in. As they gather around the table for dinner, Aparajita looks at her family with love and gratitude in her heart.

She knows that no matter what life throws their way, they will always stand strong together as a family. A new chapter has begun for them, one filled with happiness, love, and hope for the future.

Aparajita’s Journey Comes to an End

The sun hung low in the sky as shadows stretched across the small village where Aparajita resided. It had been a tumultuous journey for her – one riddled with heartbreaks, struggles, and numerous hurdles.

But she persisted through it all – for her daughters, for herself, and for the unbreakable love that fueled her every step forward. This day marked the conclusion of Aparajita’s story – the final episode of her series.

Manish falls into one of Aparajita’s traps when he sends security footage to Disha on Mohini’s behalf. He rushes to retrieve Mohini’s phone but is captured by Aparajita’s family who relentlessly interrogate him until Mohini finally confesses to her crime.

Monday, October 2nd 2023

Mohini takes responsibility for her wrongdoing and is promptly arrested by the police at Aparajita’s behest.

In a last attempt to redeem herself before imprisonment, Mohini requests to meet Akshay one last time as allowed by Aparajita. Niya can’t help but feel sorrowful as she hopes for Akshay’s swift recovery.

Tuesday, October 3rd 2023

The curtain falls on the series. After Mohini is imprisoned, Akshay’s family discovers that she had poisoned him.

In a desperate attempt to save their loved one, they turn to penance and prayer.

Nine months later, everyone in the story has turned over a new leaf – both in their personal and professional lives.

Aparajita’s Grand Finale

In the final episode of Aparajita, Niya visits Akshay in his room where the family gathers to celebrate her birthday. However, Niya can’t bring herself to join in the joyous occasion.

Aparajita reminds them that life should be celebrated and surprises them with a cake.

The mood turns playful as Disha and Chhavi smear cake on Niya’s face until Aparajita notices something alarming about Akshay’s vital signs.

She frantically calls for help as Akshay’s doctor uncovers toxic levels of poison within his body.

In a moment of clarity, Aparajita remembers seeing Mohini tampering with Akshay’s medical equipment and finds evidence near his feet confirming her suspicions.

As Mohini heads towards the police station hoping for Aparajita to lose her husband, the family gathers at the temple praying for his recovery.

Dadi desperately seeks a miracle while Disha even burns her hand during prayer.

Miraculously, Akshay regains consciousness and embraces Niya – finally opening his eyes once again.

Grateful for his survival, Aparajita believes that they can now embark on a new journey together.

Nine Months Later:

As Dadi watches news coverage of Mohini being sentenced to life imprisonment, Aparajita is hard at work in her laundry when Akshay offers a helping hand despite her protests for him to rest after his recent ordeal.

He shares letters he has written over nine months expressing his deep longing for their shared life.

He remarks on the need for them to also focus on their relationship and not just their responsibilities as parents. In a heartwarming moment, he mentions the prospect of becoming grandparents soon.

As they have a family dinner, Akshay advises Disha to rest due to her pregnancy but she dismisses his concerns. Aparajita expresses her newfound confidence while commenting on Chhavi’s absence at home.

Chhavi encounters trouble when she is harassed by some thugs but bravely fights them off. The family celebrates her courage upon her return and Akshay expresses pride in her bravery.

He also suggests that Kabir should marry Chhavi but Aparajita immediately shuts down the idea.

Aparajita shares that Asha has become a lawyer, Niya is training to become a flight attendant and they plan to take a family photo together.

Suddenly, Disha experiences severe pain and they rush her to the hospital where she undergoes successful surgery – delivering good news; she has given birth to a baby girl.

The family rejoices in welcoming their new addition with Niya naming her Tanya which means ‘fairy queen.’ With this beautiful ending, Aparajita’s journey comes full circle.

Despite all the hurdles and challenges she faced, she never wavered in fighting for what was right.

As she looks around at her loved ones gathered around the dinner table, filled with love and hope for the future, Aparajita knows that no matter what obstacles may come their way, they will always stand united as one strong family.

A New Beginning

As we bid farewell to Aparajita’s story, we see how far our protagonist has come from where it all began.

A small village cast in shadows by the setting sun became an emblem of hope as Aparajita overcame every obstacle thrown her way.

From heartbreaks to struggles, she fought tirelessly for love- love for her daughters, love for herself and love for her husband.

Today marks the end of Aparajita’s journey but also a new beginning filled with happiness, love and endless possibilities.

Manish falls into one of Aparajita’s traps when he sends security footage to Disha on Mohini’s behalf.

In his attempt to retrieve Mohini’s phone, he is apprehended by Aparajita’s family who relentlessly interrogate him until Mohini confesses to her crime.

Monday, October 2nd 2023

Mohini takes responsibility for her wrongdoing and is promptly arrested by the police at Aparajita’s insistence.

As a final request before imprisonment, Mohini asks to meet Akshay one last time- a permission granted by Aparajita herself.

Niya can’t shake off the sorrow as she hopes for Akshay’s speedy recovery.

Tuesday, October 3rd 2023

The series comes to an end. After Mohini is imprisoned, Akshay’s family discovers that she had poisoned him.

In their desperate attempt to save him, they turn towards penance and prayer. Nine months down the line, everything in their story has changed. They have all emerged stronger- both personally and professionally.

A New Chapter

In this final episode of Aparajita, Niya visits Akshay in his room as they celebrate her birthday with the entire family present. However, she struggles to put on a happy face. Apart from reminding them about how life should be celebrated, Aparajita also surprises them with cake.

The mood turns playful when Disha and Chhavi playfully smear cake on Niya. But things take an unexpected turn when Aparajita notices something unusual about Akshay’s medical equipment.

She immediately calls for help as the doctor discovers poison in his body. Leading up to this moment, Aparajita recalls seeing Mohini tampering with his devices and eventually finds evidence confirming her suspicions.

Mohini, on her way to the police station, hopes Aparajita will lose her husband while the family prays for Akshay’s recovery in the temple.

Dadi desperately pleads for a miracle even as Disha burns her hand during prayer.

However, their prayers are answered when Akshay regains consciousness, miraculously recovers and embraces Niya once again.

Grateful for his survival, Aparajita believes they can now start a new chapter together.

Nine Months Later:

As Dadi learns about Mohini’s life sentence via the news, Aparajita is at work in her laundry. Akshay offers to help despite her protests of him needing rest.

He surprises Aparajita with letters he wrote over nine months where he expresses how much he misses their life together while also commenting on how they focused too much on parenting.

In a heartwarming moment, he mentions becoming grandparents soon. Despite being busy preparing dinner, Aparajita expresses new confidence but also notices Chhavi’s absence at home.

Chhavi faces an unfortunate incident when she is harassed by some thugs. However, she bravely fights them off returning home to be celebrated by her family.

When she returns home, Akshay commends her bravery and suggests she should marry Kabir- an idea quickly dismissed by Aparajita.

A New Beginning

As we say goodbye to Aparajita’s story, we see how far our protagonist has come from where it all began.

What was once a small village cast in shadows, is now an emblem of hope as Aparajita overcame every obstacle thrown at her.

From heartbreaks to struggles, she fought tirelessly for love- love for herself, her daughters and her husband.

Today marks the end of one journey but also marks a new beginning filled with happiness, love and endless possibilities.

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